
作者: 韩敬山,喜饶尼玛
出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 118.00
折扣价: 64.90
折扣购买: 人文西藏丛书-九世班禅传略(英)
ISBN: 9787508544625


喜饶尼玛,藏族,四川炉霍人。陕西师范大学人文社科高等研究院特聘教授,中央民族大学二级教授、博士生导师。享受国务院政府特殊津贴,兼任中国民族史学会副会长等职务。曾主持国家社科基金及其他多个项目,论著曾获省部级特等奖等。 韩敬山,满族,辽宁大连人,中央民族大学藏学研究院博士、哲学与宗教学学院宗教心理学博士后。研究领域为近现代中央政府治藏及汉僧入藏史研究、藏传佛教格鲁派转世制度研究等。2019年台湾“中央研究院近代史研究所”访问学人。 Shesrab Nyima, born to a Tibetan family in Luhuo County of Sichuan Province, is a professor and PhD supervisor at Minzu University of China and a visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University. A recipient of the special government allowances of the State Council of China, he has also served as Vice President of the Chinese Association for Nationality History, and head researcher of a series of research projects including those sponsored by the National Social Science Fund of China. Some of his academic publications have won prestigious awards in China. Han Jingshan, born to a Manchu family in Dalian City of Liaoning Province, graduated with a PhD degree in Tibetan Studies and served as a post-doctoral researcher in Psychology of Religion at Minzu University of China. His research areas include China’s central governance in Tibet, development of Chinese Han Buddhism in Tibet, and Gelugpa Buddhism incarnation system. In 2019, he was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica (Taiwan).


Having just turned 40, an age alleged by Confucius as when one is no longer vexed by earthly affairs, he was still haunted by too many worries and anxieties of life. He was looking back at his snowy homeland probably because he somehow felt that he might no longer be able to return here, back to the high throne in the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, preaching the everlasting Buddha truth to the believers who trusted, loved, and respected him… 九世班禅“一生为国,功勋懋著”到生命的最后一刻,藏传佛教领袖与中央政府紧密互动“开数百年来未有之先例”。 The 9th Panchen Lama “devoted his whole life to China’s national development with so outstandingly admirable achievements” that the close collaboration between this Tibetan Buddhist leader and the entral regime turned out to “be unprecedented over centuries”.