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原售价: 35.80
折扣价: 21.80
折扣购买: 妙趣小学英语阅读训练 3年级
ISBN: 9787519293215
华研外语华研是国内知名的英语教育类图书策划机构,致力为英语学习者提供高效的方法和优质的内容。旗下“华研外语”品牌涵盖大学英语四六级、考研英语、英语专业四八级、雅思托福、高考英语、英语AB级考试、中小学英语等系列图书。 TOPWAY是华研的做事原则,经验表明,方法得当就会事半功倍,让您花更少的时间取得更好的学习效果;“沙里淘金”是华研的思维方式,通过语料库分析、词汇分频、难度分级等诸多科学手段,让您抓住问题的关键,用20%的精力取得80%的成效,体现“二八定律”,从而达到“四两拨千斤”的效果。
Unit 2 Colours 007 What colour can you see? 你能看见什么颜色? There are many colours. First, I see brown. Many things are brown. I see… Potatoes are brown. Wood is brown. Bears are brown. Horses are brown. Seeds are brown. Many things are brown. Can you see brown? Then I see yellow. Many things are yellow. I see… Bananas are yellow. Corn is yellow. Lemons are yellow. Pineapples are yellow. Cheese is yellow. Many things are yellow. Can you see yellow? Unit 3 Look at me! 012 What is it? 这是什么? This animal has four legs. It eats just about everything it finds. It’s small and grey. It has a long tail. What is it? This animal has two legs. It lays eggs. It can’t fly very well. You can eat it. It wakes up early in the morning. What is it? This animal has four legs. It lives on the farm. It’s brown, white or black. It eats grass. You can ride it. What is it? Unit 24 Story time 117 The chase 追捕 One day a rabbit is chased by a fox. The rabbit is scared, but he is also smart. “There is more food than just me in this hole,” Rabbit tells Fox. Fox is greedy and looks into the hole. Rabbit walks to the other end, pushes Fox into the hole and runs quickly away. 适用对象: 1. 根据《义务教育英语课程标准》编写,话题与难度贴近小学各年级的认知水平,适合全国各地学生使用。 2. 大开本,全彩印刷,趣味配图,一页一篇训练,方便书写与阅读。 3. 所有文章均配套音频,扫码即听,方便学习,也可搭配点笔读使用(点读笔需另购)。 4. 难度分级,基础部分巩固课内知识,提高部分供学有余力者进一步提升阅读能力。 5. 文章选材多样全面,有趣也有料。既有故事、童话、诗歌等虚构类文本,也有介绍各类科普知识的非虚构类文本,还有广告、海报、地图等真实文本。 6. 上读下练,训练题的形式多样,指导性阅读,检测学生对文本的理解,让学生从“学习阅读”过渡到“通过阅读来学习”。 7. 配套视频课,有效指导学生提升阅读能力。 推荐理由: 1. 话题和体裁的选取多样全面、兼顾学科知识和趣味性。 2. 含基础篇和提高篇,话题与难度贴近小学3年级学生的认知水平,适合全国各地学生使用。 3. 上读下练,训练题型丰富多样,指导性强,逐步培养学生的各类阅读技能。 4. 所有阅读文章均配音频,由外教录音,发音标准,语速适中;扫码听音,方便学习。 5. 配套若干节视频课,由一线小学英语教师录制,有效指导学生培养良好的阅读习惯,提升阅读能力,解决阅读难题。 6. 可搭配点读笔使用,方便家长辅导,学生自学。