
作者: 编者:邢志刚|责编:苏谦
出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 136.00
折扣价: 73.50
折扣购买: 守望相助携手抗疫(英文版)
ISBN: 9787508544427


中国日报社是中央主要宣传文化单位之一。作为国家英文日报,中国日报自1981年创刊以来,不断开拓进取,已经发展有报纸、网站、移动客户端、脸谱、推特、微博、微信、电子报等十余种媒介平台,全媒体用户总数超过2亿。中国日报是中国走向世界、世界了解中国的重要窗口,是国内外高端人士首选的中国英文媒体。 China Daily, established in 1981 as the national English-language newspaper, has developed into a multi-media information platform combining newspapers, websites and apps with a strong presence on Facebook, Twitter, Sina Weibo and WeChat. It serves more than 200 million readers all over the world and is a default choice for people who read about China in English. The group plays an important role as a channel for information exchanges between China and the rest of the world.


That the number of people infected with the new coronavirus nationwide rose to 440 on Wednesday from 291 the previous day speaks volumes about how serious the situation is. With the death toll having increased from six to nine, it is imperative that the country bring the epidemic under control. No matter how transparent the daily reports of the central government department are about the number of cases, there will likely be those who have been infected but are yet to be identified. This makes it very probable that more people have been infected than are yet known. And there is no knowing about whether the new virus will mutate during transmission, which will likely make it acuter and more infectious. As a result, the country is facing a critical challenge to effectively bring the spread of the new virus under control. It is therefore exigent that the National Health Commission and its local counterparts spare no efforts in mobilizing as many resources as possible to contain the spread of the virus. They should always err on the side of caution and not take any chances. First of all, as it is clear that Wuhan, the capital city of Central China’s Hubei province, is where there is the largest cluster of infected people, it is vital to strictly screen people traveling from the city to the rest of the country and elsewhere. Compulsory quarantine measures must be adopted to ensure those who have had close contact with those infected in the city and elsewhere spread the virus to as few people as possible. If necessary, travel from the city should be prohibited. The travel rush for Spring Festival poses a serious threat to the efforts to control the spread of the virus. With hundreds of millions of people on the move, governments and departments at all levels must remain vigilant. Public transport must be disinfected at least on a daily basis, since this proved to be effective during the fight against the transmission of the coronavirus responsible for the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in 2003. The screening of travelers for high-speed trains and airlines should also be strictly carried out. Those who have a fever should not be allowed to travel. Those who travel should wear masks. The more people who wear masks, the less opportunities there are for the virus to be transmitted from one person to another. This also proved to be effective in the 2003 fight against SARS. If possible, masks should be provided to those travelers who do not have one. Preventive measures work, which has been verified in the fight against SARS in 2003. While hoping for the best, we need to ensure we are making every effort to prevent the worst. January 22, 2020 我们希望本书能为中国和全球抗击新冠肺炎疫情提供一些思考和方案,并帮助促进全球合作抗疫。 We hope the book provide some food for thought, offer solutions to problems faced by the Chinese and global economies, and help promote global coordination and cooperation.