埃德温·埃尔德曼(Edwin Alderman, 1861-1931),美国著名教育家、教育改革家。他曾担任弗吉尼亚大学校长长达25年之久,并在美国教育改革期间,为中小学生精编了这一套美国语文教材。 ? ? 因毕生致力于教育改革,是美国“进步时代”(Progressive Era)的标志性人物,埃德温·埃尔德曼去世的时候,美国总统胡佛发来悼词,表示遗憾。普策利奖得主杜马斯·马龙(Dumas Malone)曾为埃德温·埃尔德曼撰写传记。
The Golden Fleece(1) Long ago a little boy and his sister lived in a far-off land. Their father was the king. Their mother had been the queen, but she was dead. The new queen did not like these children at all. She did not give them enough to eat, and she often made them stay out in the cold. At last the queen made a plan to get rid of the children. The little boy found out about this, and told his sister. “Let us run away and hide,” he said. “ We must go where the queen cannot find us.” “Oh, yes! Let us go at once,” said the little sister. Very soon they were ready to set out. Just then a strange thing happened. A ram cam flying down to them from the clouds. This ram was not like other sheep, for he had a fleece of bright gold. When the children saw him, they were glad. “He has come to help us,” they said, “He will take us away, so that the queen cannot find us.” Then they climbed up on his back. The little boy took hold of the ram’s horns to keep from falling. The little girl held fast to him. (Greek Myth ) 译文 金羊毛(1) 很久以前,有一个小男孩和他的姐姐住在一个遥远的国度。他们的父亲是国王。他们的妈妈是王后,但她已经去世了。新王后一点也不喜欢这两个孩子。她不给他们充足的食物果腹充饥,还时常让他们饱受寒冷。最终王后计划除掉这两个孩子,却被小男孩发现了,于是他告诉了他的姐姐。小男孩对姐姐说:“我们逃跑吧,躲起来,躲到一个王后找不到我们的地方。”“对!我们现在就走!”姐姐说道。 不一会他们就准备好了。正要出发,这时有一件奇怪的事发生了。一头公羊从云上飞到他们面前。这头公羊和其他羊不一样,他的羊毛是金色的。 孩子们看见了,欣喜若狂。“他是来救我们的。”孩子们欢呼道,“他可以把我们带走,这样王后就找不到我们了。”然后他们便爬到了羊背上。小男孩抓着羊角,免得自己掉下去。小女孩也紧紧地抱着他。 (《希腊神话》) The Golden Fleece(2) The ram then flew up into the air. Away, far, far off he flew. He carried the children safely over the land. Then they came to the sea. There the little sister lost her hold, and fell into the deep water. The ram could not stop, and there was no way for the little boy to help his sister. The brother was sorry, and cried very hard, but he still held on. At last they came to land again, and the ram flew down. The little boy got off. He was glad for here the queen could not harm him. The boy then went to see the king of this country, who gave him a pleasant home. Not long after this the ram died. Then the boy took the beautiful fleece of gold, and gave it to this king. The king was much pleased with it, and had it hung up on an oak-tree, in the dark woods. Other kings heard about the fleece, and tried to take it away. So a great dragon was placed under the tree to guard the golden fleece. (Greek Myth ) 译文 金羊毛(2) 公羊飞上了天空,越飞越远,越飞越高。他安全地载着孩子们飞离陆地。接着,他们飞到了海洋上空。 小姐姐不小心手一松,掉入了深深的海水中。公羊没法停下来,小男孩也无能为力。弟弟十分愧疚,哭得很伤心,但他依然紧紧地抓着羊角。 最终公羊降落下来,他们来到一片陆地上。小男孩也从羊身上下来。他十分开心,因为在这里王后就没法伤害他了。 接着,小男孩去觐见这个国家的国王,国王赐给了他一座舒适的大房子。不久之后,公羊死了。 小男孩将美丽的金羊毛进献给了这位国王。国王非常高兴,将它挂在黑暗的树林中的一棵橡树上。其他国王听说了金羊毛的事,都想将它抢走。于是这位国王命一头巨龙守在树下,守卫金羊毛。 (《希腊神话》) Arthur and the Sword(1) This sword was found in a very strange place. It was ticking in an anvil. The anvil was on a stone, and the stone was close beside a church. Just how it happened to be there, no one knew. One day as some men came out of the church, they saw the sword. But it was not there when they went in. Where had it come from? The men went up to look at the sword. They read these words on the anvil, “If any one can pull this sword out, he shall be the king.” After some days, all the brave knights met to talk about this strange sword out of the anvil, but no one could move it. “Let us go home,” they said,” and try again some other day.” So they went away. Some time after this, all the knights met at a place nearby. But one of them had left his sword at home. “Arthur, please go home and get my sword for me,” this knight said to his young brother. Arthur went home, but there was no one at home get the sword for him. “My brother must have a sword,” said Arthur to himself. “I saw one in the anvil beside the church. I shall go and get that sword for him.” (Sir Thomas Malory) 译文 亚瑟王和神剑(1) 这把宝剑是在一个很奇怪的地方被发现的——它插在一块铁砧里。这个铁砧在一块石头上,而这个石头就在教堂旁边。至于它是怎么来的,没有人知道。 有一天,一群人从教堂出来时,看到了这把剑。可他们进教堂的时候,这里明明没有剑,那这把剑是从哪儿来的呢?于是,这群人走上前去,想一探究竟。他们发现在铁砧上有一行字:拔出此剑者,即成为英格兰国王。 几天后,所有的勇士都在谈论这把奇怪的剑,他们都试着去拔铁砧里的剑,但没有人成功。“算啦,我们回家吧,过几天再来试试。”有人提议。于是,大家都散了。 又过了几天,所有骑士再次聚到了附近的一个地方。但有一位骑士把剑落在了家里。“亚瑟,麻烦你回家帮我把剑拿过来。”他对身旁的弟弟说道。 亚瑟便回家帮哥哥取剑,但家里没有人,他进不了门,自然也拿不到剑。“哥哥必须得有剑。”亚瑟自言自语道,“刚刚我看到教堂旁边的那个铁砧里有一把剑,我要去把那把剑拿给哥哥!”(托马斯·马洛礼骑士) Arthur and the Sword(2) Arthur rode at once to the church. When he came to the stone, he took hold of the sword, and pulled it out. This seemed easy work to him. Then he carried the word to his brother. The name of Arthur’s brother was Sir Kay. “This is not my sword, Arthur,” said Sir Kay. “Where did you get this one?” “I took it out of the anvil on the stone,” said Arthur. “There was no one at home to give me you sword.” Arthur’s brother quickly told their father what had happened. “That is very old,” said their father. “Let us see about this thing.” When they came to the stone, Arthur’s father put the sword back where it had been before. Then he tried to pull it out. The sword did not move. Next Sir Kay tried to pull it out, but the sword stuck fast in the anvil. “Now, Arthur, it is you turn,” said his father. Arthur grasped the sword. It came right out his hands. He put it back in the anvil, and took it out again and again. Then all the other knights tried as before to pull out the sword. They could not move it. When all these men had failed a number of times, they gave up. They saw that Arthur was the only person that could pull out this strange sword. “Arthur shall be the king! Arthur shall be the king!” was the cry. The knight agreed to this. So Arthur was soon made the king, and was ever brave, and wise, and good. (Sir Thomas Malory) 译文 亚瑟王和神剑(2) 亚瑟立刻骑着马赶向教堂。他来到那块石头前,抓住剑柄,不费吹灰之力,就拔出了那把剑。于是他把剑拿给了哥哥。他的哥哥是凯爵士。 “这不是我的剑,你从哪儿找来的这把剑?”凯爵士问道。“我是从那边那个石头上的铁砧里拔出来的。”亚瑟答道,“家里没人,我就没能拿到你的剑。”亚瑟的哥哥立即把这件事告诉他们的父亲。“这太奇怪了,我们还是过去看看到底是怎么回事吧。” 他爸爸听完后说道。他们来到那块石头跟前,亚瑟的父亲把剑重新插到铁砧里。然后,他再试着去拔剑,可是那把剑纹丝不动。接着,凯爵士也去拔剑,但那把剑还是紧紧地插在铁砧里。“好了,亚瑟,现在该你了。”父亲说道。 亚瑟抓起剑,把剑拿到了手上。然后他把剑放回去,再拔出来,再放回去,再拔出来,试了一遍又一遍。此后,所有其他骑士也试着拔剑,可是依然没有人成功。所有人都试了一次又一次,但均以失败告终,最后,他们只能放弃。他们这才意识到,亚瑟是唯一能拔出这把奇怪的剑的人。 “亚瑟会成为国王!亚瑟会成为国王!”人群中传来呼声,骑士们都同意这一点。于是,亚瑟很快就成了英格兰国王——一个永远勇敢、聪明、善良的国王。 (托马斯·马洛礼骑士) 作者简介 托马斯·马洛礼,英国作家,一生中最有名的著作为史诗式传奇《亚瑟王之死》,书中全面收录了亚瑟王圆桌骑士们的传奇故事和追寻圣杯的英雄壮举。 The Three Golden Apples(1) Long ago there lived a hero by the name of Hercules. He was a very strong and brave man, and did many great deeds. Over his shoulders he wore the skin of a fierce lion that he had killed. He carried a huge club, and he also had a bow and arrows. The king once sent Hercules to find three golden apples and bring them back. These apples grew in a fairy garden a long way off. As Hercules went on his way to the garden, every one that he met told him to return home. “Go back,” the people said. “Even if you reach the garden, the dragon will kill you.” Near a river Hercules stopped to talk with some maidens. They, too, told him about the dragon. “What is the dragon like?” asked Hercules. “It has a hundred heads,” one girl said, “and is put there to guard the apples.” “Fifty of the heads are always on the watch, while the other fifty sleep,” said another. “I am not afraid,” said Hercules. “Now I must go.” When Hercules came to the sea, he saw a great golden bowl tossing on the waves. The bowl was as large as a boat, and floated to the shore. Hercules climbed into this bowl. Then he spread out his lion skin, and lay down on it to sleep. A way over the sea floated his boat, but the hero did not awake until the bowl again touched land. (Greek Legend ) 译文 三只金苹果(1) 很久以前,有一位名叫赫拉克勒斯的英雄。他是个强壮的勇士,勇敢过人,做过许多伟大的事。他的肩上,扛着大棒和弓箭,披着毛皮。他曾经杀死了一头凶猛的狮子。有一次,国王派赫拉克勒斯去找三个金苹果,并将它们带回来。金苹果长在远方的圣园中。赫拉克勒斯上路了,一路上遇到的人都让他回去。“回去吧。”人们说,“即使你能走到圣园,也会被那条龙杀死的。”走到河边,赫拉克勒斯停下脚步,与河边的少女们攀谈。她们也说 起了那条龙。“是什么样子的龙?”赫拉克勒斯问。“它有一百个脑袋,”一个女孩说,“那条龙就是被派去看守金苹果的。”“那条龙从不睡觉。它总有五十个脑袋醒着,另外五十个脑袋休 息。”另一个女孩说。“我不怕。”赫拉克勒斯说,“现在我必须去了。”赫拉克勒斯走到海边,看见一个巨大的金碗在波浪间漂荡。碗大得 像条船,渐渐向岸边漂来。赫拉克勒斯爬进碗里,把肩上的狮子皮铺开,躺在上面睡着了。像船一样大的金碗漂了出去。赫拉克勒斯一直睡着,直到碗又一次 靠岸时才醒来。 (《希腊神话》) The Three Golden Apples(2) In a moment Hercules sprang out. “Now I must look for the giant,” he said, “for he will tell me the way.” “Halloo!” said a voice. Looking up, Hercules caught sight of the giant. My god, what a huge fellow he was! Truly he was as tall as a mountain. There he stood holding the world on his shoulders, for, you know, that was his work. “What do you want?” asked the giant. “I want three golden apples for the king,” said Hercules. “The dragon will kill you,” said the giant. “Nobody can go to the garden but me, and I have to hold up the world.” “Let me hold the world,” said Hercules. This was just what the giant wanted. How glad he was to be free! It was his first rest for a hundred years. He stretched himself and started off. Ten miles the giant went at a single step. He waded into the sea. Ten miles more and ten miles more, and Hercules could no longer see him. Soon the world grew heavy on the shoulders of the hero, and he wished for the giant’s return. The giant was not in any haste. He was finding it very pleasant to be free. But after some time he came in sight. Hercules was on the watch for him. Sure enough, the giant had the three golden apples. These he was tossing about twenty miles up into the air and catching as they came down. Then the giant gave the apples to Hercules, and again took the world on his shoulders. Hercules went back to the palace and laid his gift before the king. (Greek Legend ) 译文 三只金苹果(2) 赫拉克勒斯一跃而起。“我得去找巨人,”他说,“要问问他该怎么做。”“喂!”一个声音响起。赫拉克勒斯抬起头,看见了巨人。 天啊,真是个大家伙!巨人高得像一座山,将世界扛在肩上——这是他的工作。“你有什么事?”巨人问。“我要为国王带去三只金苹果。”赫拉克勒斯说。 “那条龙会弄死你的。”巨人说,“除了我之外,没人能去圣园,但我得支撑世界。”“我来替你支撑世界吧。”赫拉克勒斯说。这正是巨人希望的:总算自由了!这一百年来,巨人从来没有休息过。现在他舒展了一下筋骨,就上路了。 巨人一步迈出五千米,徒步涉过海洋。他一步步走远,赫拉克勒斯看不见他了。赫拉克勒斯很快就觉得世界沉甸甸地压在肩上。他希望巨人快些回来。巨人可不着急,自由的感觉太好了。不过,过了一段时间,他还是回来了。赫拉克勒斯留心看着巨人。巨人的确拿到了三只金苹果,边走边向空中抛起,苹果在空中飞了大约三十二千米高,又落到巨人手里。 巨人把金苹果交给赫拉克勒斯,重新将世界扛回自己肩上。赫拉克勒斯回到国王的宫殿,把金苹果放在了国王面前。 (《希腊神话》) Ulysses and the Wind For ten long years Ulysses and his soldiers had been fighting at Troy. Now the war was over, and they were all going home. As their home was on an island in the sea, they had to go in boats. Aeolus, the king of the winds, lived on another island. He kept the winds shut up in a cave, so that they could not do harm by blowing at the wrong time. Ulysses stopped to see his friend Aeolus. “I should like to have a good wind that will blow our boats straight home,” he said. “With all my heart,” said Aeolus, “here is a bag filled with winds. You shall have it, and then you can choose any wind that you please.” Ulysses first chose the west wind, and gayly it blew the boats toward home. For eight days and nights Ulysses stayed awake to see that all was right. By that time they were in sight of their own island. “Now all is well, and I shall sleep,” said Ulysses. No sooner was Ulysses asleep, than his men got into mischief. They had seen the queer bag. “It must hold treasures,” they said, “for Ulysses guards it with so much care.” Then they opened the bag. Out rushed all the winds, and over the sea they flew. The north wind made a fierce storm, the east wind brought rain, the sea was filled with huge waves, and the poor boats were driven far away. They were driven so far, that ten years more rolled round before Ulysses reached his island. By that time all of his men and boats were lost, and a friendly king had to send them home. (Homer’s Iliad, adapted) 译文 尤利西斯与风 尤利西斯率领众士兵攻打特洛伊城已有十年了,如今战争已经停息,希腊将士们纷纷返回家乡。因为他们的家乡在海中的一座岛屿上,所以他们必须坐船去。风神埃俄罗斯住在另一座岛上。他把风关在山洞里,避免它们在不合时宜的时候出现。尤利西斯途中去看望好友埃俄罗斯,告诉他:“我想要一阵好风,把我们的船刮到家乡去。”“奉上我的心意,”埃俄罗斯说,“这里有个锦囊,里面装着风。你拿着它,就可以让风朝你想要的地方吹。”尤利西斯先选了一阵西风,船儿轻快地朝家的方向驶去。为了确保一切顺利,尤利西斯八天八夜没有休息。后来,他们已经能看得到家乡的岛屿了,尤利西斯才说:“既然一切顺利,那么我也该睡一觉了。” 尤利西斯还没睡多久,他的船员们就开始动歪脑筋了。他们盯上了那个古怪的锦囊。“尤利西斯花这么多心思守着,这里面一定是有财宝。”他们说。 于是他们解开了锦囊,所有的风都呼啸而出,在海面上飞驰。北风刮起了猛烈的风暴,而东风则唤来了大雨,海面上波澜起伏,把这艘倒霉的船吹到了很远的地方。 他们被吹得很远很远,这一来,尤利西斯花十几年都回不到家乡。 正当他的船和所有船员迷失了方向的时候,一位好心的国王出现了,将他们送回了 ★常春藤版美国语文,经典著作 美国著名教育学家主编,符合儿童身心发展规律,让每个年龄阶段的孩子都会感兴趣。 ★适合青少年的名作?,优美易读 汇聚诸多重量级文学大家笔下专为青少年阅读创作的作品,并依据孩子心理成长特点分阶段编排,优美、易读。 ★学习性阅读的经典,生动有趣? ? ? 夯实基础:深入浅出,重点夯实孩子的英文基础知识。 题型丰富:设计了多样化的练习题,确保孩子掌握更全面的知识。 拓展知识:趣味拓展阅读,全面培养孩子的语文素养。 ★中英对照,精选上百篇名家名篇 ★内附美国名校名录,精美原版插图