出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 138.00
折扣价: 74.60
折扣购买: 北京今昔(我在中国三十年)(英文版)/新时代的马可·波罗
ISBN: 9787508546889
李莎·卡尔杜齐,生于加拿大,先后担任语言教师30 年、记者20 年,写作贯穿其生活的全部。1985 年和1989 年两次来华游历,1991 年开始定居中国。2001 年因其“在促进国际友好及热情支援中国现代化建设中的杰出贡献”,被授予中国政府“友谊奖”。2005 年,卡尔杜齐获得中国“永久居民”身份。在过去的30 年中,特别是2007 年她退休以来,卡尔杜齐遍访中国各地,领略中国文化、民族、社会各方面的风情,发表上千篇文章, 出版70 余部作品。
My first trip to China occurred in July 1985; I was travelling with a group and a guide, of course. The first Chinese who dared stick to me was a mosquito, when we landed in Shanghai. The guide was a young woman from Nanjing. We were 31 fellows from Montreal, and we visited eleven cities in one month! No one of us spoke any Chinese. We tried to remember the explanations given to us by the guide. The meals would be precisely at 11:00 and 17:00 (so early for us!). Every morning, our tour bus would leave at 8:00 exactly. When we came out of the hotel, dozens of local people were waiting at the gate to see the waiguoren taking place on the tour bus. I like to travel light, and I had brought three easy washable dresses: a blue, a pink and a yellow one, buttoned up to the chin, but… sleeveless. During the whole trip, eyes were on my ‘indecent’ clothing. Imagine the shock at a time the Chinese men and woman were all dressed in indigo or kaki jacket and pants, with cotton shoes and a cap! 本书作者李莎·卡尔杜齐是一位加拿大作家,她讲述了自己在中国过往近三十年充实而鲜活的工作与生活体验。教育、文化、公益和写作事业,汇聚成她平凡而又独特的日常。她以真诚而幽默的态度探索人与人之间的共性,帮助人们消除偏见与误解。李莎·卡尔杜齐见证了中国三十年快速发展变化的历程,在经济、社会、人文、自然等方面,都有自己独到的见解与感触。她对中国既有深厚的感情,也有敏锐的洞察;既有笃定的认同,也有善意的督促。