王建蒙,卫星发射与航天国际合作专家,航天系统工程高级工程师,中国作家协会会员。毕业于清华大学。著有长篇传记文学《奔月》《星系我心》,长篇纪实文学《亲历航天-行走在神秘的卫星发射场》,其主编的《世界航天发射系统》曾获中国国防科技进步二等奖。 Wang Jianmeng is Senior Engineer of Aerospace Systems Engineering and Member of China Writers Association. He is an expert on satellite launch and international aeronautical cooperation and a graduate of Tsinghua University. He is author of several literary biographies, including Ascent to the Moon (Ben Yue), My Heart is Bound with Satellites: Aeronautical Engineer Sun Jiadong (Xing Ji Wo Xin), and Walking in the Mysterious Satellite Launch Sites (Qin Li Hang Tian, Xing Zou Zai Shen Mi De Wei Xing Fa She Chang). He was awarded the Second Prize of the National Defense Science and Technology Awards for his compilation of Space Launch Systems Worldwide (Shi Jie Hang Tian Fa She Xi Tong).
As people may recall, about ten years ago, on July 5, 2008, Sun Jiadong was granted the title of Chinese Scientist of the Year for 2007 by the Scientifi c Chinese in Beijing. The award noted that: “He was once a young man in red and is now an elderly person with white hair. During the past four decades, he has worked with his colleagues to send 30 Chinese satellites into space. Today, he serves as the ‘intellectual commander-in-chief’ leading the lunar exploration program.” Sun also garnered a Public Attention Award at the 2007 Scientific Chinese Awards: “He is one of the Two Bombs and One Satellite Meritorious Scientists. Ever since the successful launch of Dongfanghong thrilled the world and marked the beginning of China’s space era, he has been inextricably linked to China’s aerospace development. It has been his heart’s desire to commit his entire life to this national cause.” Sun Jiadong’s legendary life can be seen as a microcosm of China’s six-decade-long aerospace industry history, and himself a milestone figure in China’s aerospace development. 该书以孙家栋的人生历程为线索,讲述了从中国航天研制导弹起步,到中国第一颗人造地球卫星升空,各类应用卫星太空遨游,中国航天走入国际市场,“嫦娥”探测卫星奔月之旅,中国“北斗”自主卫星导航系统的故事,使人仿佛置身于航天场景,并得以感受那种惊心动魄。。本书主题虽然涉及航天高科技,但文字深入浅出、通俗易懂,是一本航天人写航天人,科技人员写科学家的力作,也不失为优秀的航天科普读物。书中对主人公职业历程和家庭平凡生活的细致描写,展示了一位中国航天科学家、无私奉献的科学品格,展示了新时代中国的“科学之光”。 This biography on aerospace scientist Sun Jiadong is authored by an insider in the aerospace sector. With plentiful first-hand information about the aerospace industry of China and authentic stories from Sun’s life in vivid detail, it presents readers with the successes and failures of China’s aerospace development, the moments and situations that occurred, and the feelings and moods they evoked.