
作者: 编者:徐京星
出版社: 五洲传播
原售价: 98.00
折扣价: 53.00
折扣购买: 瞬间回眸(影像中的变迁)(汉英对照)
ISBN: 9787508543000



小岗村 1982 年,安徽凤阳,小岗村“大包 干”带头人之一严宏昌(上图,中) 和家人在自家茅草房前合影。2018 年 11 月,严宏昌(下图,左六)率家人 在自家三层高的钢混结构楼房前合影。 1978 年,严宏昌和17 位村民在契约 书上按下“红手印”搞起土地大包干, 成为中国农村改革的一声惊雷,全国 亿万百姓也因此获益。 供图 | 刘军喜 Seeds of success Yan Hongchang (above, center) and his family pose for a photo in 1982 in front of his cottage in Xiaogang, a village in Anhui province. Yan was one of the 18 residents of Xiaogang who signed a pivotal agreement in 1978 to subdivide the land they were farming, thereby initiating rural reform. Consequently, millions of people across the country benefited as did Yan and his family (below) seen outside their home in November 2018. Provided | Liu Junxi 世纪大道 上海世纪大道被誉为“东方香榭丽舍 大街”。这条连接东方明珠和浦东世 纪公园的景观大道,见证了浦东新区 这张闪亮中国名片的巨大变化和发展。 如图:1999 年5 月建设中的世纪大道 (上);2017 年4 月同一视角俯瞰城 市天际线。 浦东档案馆 | 钮一新 On the boulevard Century Avenue in Shanghai is known as the Asian Champs-Elysees. The boulevard, connecting the Oriental Pearl Tower to Century Park, witnessed the dramatic changes and the development of the Pudong New Area as it became a shining name card for China. The old photo (above) shows the avenue during construction in May 1999. In an aerial photo taken in April 2017, the avenue flaunts its beautiful skyline and expansive views, with Pudong’s well-known skyscrapers. Pudong Archives | Niu Yixin